Events allows you to manage calendar events visible in the Events screen of the My Sermon Notes app.
Creating Events
To create events, go to "Events > Event Scheduler" on the main menu of the admin portal. Once you are there, click anywhere on the scheduler to create a new event. You may choose between a day view, week view, and month view using the toggle in the top right corner.
Once the event creation screen pops up, fill in the appropriate fields such as date, title, location, etc.
Adding an event organizer
Add event organizers to display their name and contact information in the app. An event organizer must be a member of My Sermon Notes and be part of your church. To add an event organizer, simply start typing their name in the "Organizer" box and select the appropriate person from the dropdown box. The email from their profile will be the email that links to the "Contact Organizer" button in the app.
Uploading an event image
To add an image to your event that will be displayed in the app, click the "Choose event image" button. Select the file from your computer and click "Upload"
If you would like to track the number of people signing up for your event, you may enable tracking from the dropdown box. Tracking requires a maximum number of attendees and/or volunteers. This max number will be displayed to users in the app to ensure the event does not receive too many sign-ups.
Attendees vs. volunteers
Event attendees are those who are attending an event but do not have a position serving. An example of this would be a prayer breakfast, meeting, or youth summer camp.
Event volunteers are those who are attending the event and also serving. This may be a pot luck, service project, etc.
If you have an event requiring both volunteers and attendees, you can track both.
Editing Events
To edit an event, double click an event on the scheduler and a box will pop up to let you edit the event.
Deleting Events
To delete an event, hover over the event on the scheduler and click the x icon. Click "Delete" on the pop up prompt.
View event attendance
To view an event roster, go to Events > Event Attendance. Next to your desired event, you will see the total number of people attending in addition to the total number of volunteers (if any). To view church members who are coming, click the people icon to the right of the event. This will display any members that have signed up in the app.